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Top home decor trends

Top Home Decor Trends 2022

Top Home Decor Trends 2022

What’s new in 2022 home decor trends? What’s still relevant from last year’s interior decor trends? Here we go for the current interior design trends of 2022.

Whether it’s about latest color trends in home decor or changing how your walls look, or an overall feel of your living room or bed room, a little shift or adding a new dimension to your home, a little extension or going smart. Here are some top 2022 home decor trends for everything new or adding a touch of new.

Decors that reflect openness, sustainability and high on functionality reflect the current interior design trends for 2022. The movement is towards simplicity while living to the fullest and enjoying everything to the maximum.

2022 home decor and home design is seeing everything natural including stones, marbles and wood. This not only offer low maintenance, long lastingness but deep down they keep the homes close to nature.

Here, our design and decor expert team would love to share some of the great ways to catch up with the latest that is, 2022 home decor trends. And if you are wondering from where to start, just drop us a message and our team will connect with you.

Number 1 :  2022 is all about Latest color trends in home decor

Decorations at home trends have moved from muted and earthy colors to more vibrant, which is the latest color trends in home decor. Beige, grey and cream are now interior decor trends of the past. Trending home decor colors in 2022 are all about expressing vibrancies of greens, oranges and yellows, reflecting high spiritedness and an atmosphere of joy.

Number 2 : No more plains or day walls, 2022 is time for textured walls for gorgeous rooms

Gone are the times of plain and dry walls in interior design trends as home lovers find them boring. Many say that these are not adding any character to their homes. Trending interior design styles are textured paints or wallpapers or wall coverings enhancing the beauty of your walls and making them look gorgeous. In addition, with a little play of light, textured walls add depth and character to your walls, making up for a great home decor trend in 2022 and a trend that is not going to fade anytime soon.

Number 3 : Prints and Patterns for Vintage look in rooms

Adding to the vibrancy are classical prints and patterns that are bringing out a vintage look and uncompromising attitude towards quality. From walls to floorings to fabrics, classical along with earth inspired prints makes up for an awesome decorations at home approach in 2022. Even the role of botanical prints and patterns which bring nature into home form a part of home decorating trends and trending interior design styles in 2022. 

Number 4 : Smart home furniture set up

In continuation to 2021 and now with more innovation in ergonomic designs, Smart home furniture set ups with space-saving designs continue to trend in 2022. Add sleekness to your home with help of smart home furnishings and smart home designs that range from floating shelves, handleless cabinets, folding desks and a range of modular office set ups following the space saving architecture principle that makes up for both, freeing of space and maximising of it.

Looking for some newness, let us help you catch up with the latest decor trends for your dream home.

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