Corporate interiors

Corporate interiors – An innovative inspired interiors

Innovation Inspired Corporate Interiors

It is proven fact that employees are able to bring their best if corporate office interiors focus on creativity and precision. It also increases employee efficiency and productivity which are directly connected to the bottom line of the company. The time for businesses to include technological innovation in their design has been around for some time. Corporates who miss out on this surely risk the possibility of getting best for clients and workforce, accurately and faster.

Based in the tech advanced city of Hyderabad, Mohh has been providing office interior design services for 20+ years. Contact us now for the best corporate interior services.

How to decorate corporate office interiors?

Ok, if you have to choose between the two, which one would you choose?

  1. An office with dull lighting, pale walls, no natural elements, no inspiring artwork on the wall. 


        2. A well lit office, with some plants, nice textured walls, a corner to relax…and take a               break, motivational quotes on the walls offering a sweet spot for every employee.

True. The choice is clear.

Irrespective of the company having a floor or a building or 3 rooms side by side as a start up. There is no end to the amount of stress one can put on the fact that how you design your interiors. It will decide the motivation for your employees to come and give their best everyday.

Now with the hybrid work culture growing across the world and some of the biggest corporations still having their employees work from home for half the time. It has become even more important for companies to meticulously plan their interiors. So the workers are willing to take all the commute and look forward to the office experience.

Based in the tech advanced city of Hyderabad, Mohh has been providing office interior design services for 20+ years. Contact us now for the best corporate interior services.

Corporate Office Interior Ideas

1. Go with Textures

The work world changes with textures and how !! It is one of the first things to consider for commercial interior design. The textures very subconsciously reflect the different layers of perfections and imperfections that we people are. We don’t feel the same everyday, we don’t experience the world the same way everyday. Having textures makes a commercial interior design very real and relatable at a very subtle and human level.

2. Add Colours

In the modern technologically driven world with screens all around us – laptop screens, phone screens – life has become all about colours. Every colour evokes a response and works as a stimuli to emotional and mental actioning. Incorporating colours in conjunction to the nature. The brand of the business is a must and a great way to inspire through corporate office interiors.

3. Modernise the space

Uncramped spaces with minimalistic furniture have become a trend that is expected to take the future of commercial interior design. While technology getting more & more advanced, the access of it is shrinking into tiny smaller sophisticated devices like never before.

Corporates now want to give more breathing and moving space to their employees which are just enough to place their laptops and screens comfortably. Long tables with multiple workstations allow people to mingle and interact while giving them a comfort zone.

4. Conference, Meeting, Brainstorming and Ideation Rooms

This is where ideas take birth, execution strategies are formulated, discussions and sometimes disagreements break out. A neutral space where everyone comes prepared to present their best in the limited time.

Dedicating a spacious area to an ideation room and designing it with the right technological gadgets. Ease of presentation and lighting set up is a must within every corporate office interior plan.

5. Increase productivity, naturally

Elements of nature are a reflection of us humans in many ways and we may not realise it. But there is a constant interaction happening between us all the time. Natural elements like plants, greenery, and ample sunlight work as boon to re-energise and re-vitalise us all the time. No wonder, when people get burnt out, they look for solitude in environments which are natural and filled with nature.

Commercial interior design should always include elements of nature to help the workforce feel refreshed and revitalised on a day to day basis. They also avoid situations of burn outs and demotivated employees due to dull corporate office interiors.

Based in the tech advanced city of Hyderabad, Mohh has been providing office interior design services for 20+ years. Contact us now for the best corporate interior services.


How does technology impact the interior design of corporate offices?

There was a time that generations had a gap of 20+ years between them and now that gap has come down to 5 years. WHY? TECHNOLOGY PERIOD.

Technology is changing and advancing so rapidly that if you do not keep yourself at pace with it, you’ll become irrelevant. Businesses and corporations that did not keep a keen learning eye on technology have gone irrelevant and some had to even shut shop.

From a 5 year old to an 80 year old, technology has engulfed everyone in its embrace and there is no looking back from here.

With this kind of environment, technology has started to play a very impactful role in interior design of corporate offices too.

Flexible and comfortable seating, informal environments, wireless charging, big screens for presentations. Multiple and multi plug power points, state of the art audio visual equipment. Smart touch screens are some of the technological advancements that corporations are including in their interior design.

Based in the tech advanced city of Hyderabad, Mohh has been providing office interior design services for 20+ years. Contact us now for the best corporate interior services.

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